Cookie Policy for SwissTrades365

Ninety One Group Ltd owns and operates In this policy, we’ll refer to the company as “SwissTrades365”. This is the Cookie Policy for SwissTrades365, accessible from

What Are Cookies

On all professional websites, it’s common to use cookies, tiny files downloaded to your computer. These cookies aim to enhance your experience. Here, we’ll detail the information they gather, their use, and why we sometimes need to store them. We’ll also explain how to prevent storing these cookies, though it may affect certain site functions.

How We Use Cookies at SwissTrades365

Cookies serve various purposes, outlined below. Unfortunately, there are typically no industry standard options for disabling cookies without compromising site functionality. It’s advisable to keep all cookies enabled unless you’re certain you don’t need them, as they might be essential for services you use.

Disabling Cookies

You can opt to prevent cookies from being set by adjusting your browser settings (refer to your browser’s Help section for guidance). However, disabling cookies may impact the functionality of this and other websites you visit. We recommend keeping cookies enabled to ensure optimal site performance and access to all features.

The Cookies We Set on SwissTrades365

On, we set several different kinds of cookies. Read more about them below

Account Related Cookies

When you create an account with us, cookies are used to manage the signup process and general administration. While these cookies are typically deleted when you log out, they may sometimes remain to remember your site preferences after logout.

Login related cookies

Cookies are utilized when you’re logged in to add data to your record, eliminating the need to log in each time you visit a new page. These cookies are usually cleared when you log out to restrict access to restricted features and areas only when logged in.

Email Newsletters Related Cookies

This site offers newsletter or email subscription services and cookies may be used to remember if you are already registered and whether to show certain notifications which might only be valid to subscribed/unsubscribed users.

Survey Related Cookies

Occasionally, we conduct user surveys and questionnaires to offer valuable insights, useful tools, or to gain a better understanding of our user base. These surveys may utilize cookies to remember participants or to deliver accurate results as you navigate through different pages.

Forms Related Cookies

For future correspondence, when you submit data through a form, such as those found on contact pages or comment forms, form related cookies may be set to remember your user details.

Site Preferences Cookies

To enhance your experience on this site, we offer the functionality to set your preferences for how the site operates during your use. To remember your preferences, we use cookies, ensuring this information is available whenever you interact with a page, thereby affecting your experience based on your preferences.

Third Party Cookies

When necessary, we utilise cookies provided by trusted third parties. Below is a breakdown of the third-party cookies you may encounter on this site:

Google Analytics: We use Google Analytics to understand how you use the site, track your site visits, and improve your experience. These cookies may track metrics such as time spent on the site and pages visited.

Third-Party Analytics: These cookies track and measure site usage to help us produce engaging content.

Feature Testing: During feature testing, cookies ensure you receive a consistent experience on the site, helping us understand user preferences.

Purchase Tracking: We track purchase statistics to make business predictions accurately, monitor advertising effectiveness, and optimise product costs.

Behavioural Advertising: These cookies anonymously track your interests to provide relevant adverts and offset site running costs.

Affiliate Tracking: Affiliate tracking cookies allow us to credit partner sites appropriately for customer referrals and facilitate any associated bonuses.

Social Media Plugins: Social media buttons/plugins allow you to connect with your social network. Cookies set via these plugins may enhance your profile on social media sites or contribute to their data collection as outlined in their privacy policies.

More information

We’ve strived to simplify and clarify how our cookies work. If you’re uncertain about whether you need them, it’s safer to leave cookies enabled in case they interact with features you use on our site.

For general information on cookies, you can Google “What Are Cookies.”

If you need further assistance, feel free to contact us through one of our preferred contact methods:

Email: [email protected].

If you’re curious about how we secure your personal information, we encourage you to review our Privacy Policy.